the theory of yoga is simple. it states that there is an outer reality and an inner one, and that the human nervous system is the doorway. the fascinating thing about this is that when we do yoga practices such as meditation, breathing techniques (pranayama) and bodily maneuvers (asans, mudras and banhas) in a coordinated way on a regular basis, something happens. we can observe changes inside us. as these inner changes occur, our experience of everyday living is changed in positive ways. so yoga is about much more than theory. it is about practice. it is about cause and effect. over time, the quality of our life can be dramatically transformed by doing yoga practices. we become filled with lasting inner peace and happiness. we come to know that the possibility of achieving "enlightenment" is real- the ultimate destination of every human being. that is what happened as the doorway of our nervous system gradually opens and there is less and less division between our outer and inner realities. in the end, they merge to become one glorious reality of unending joy and then we know that we are home. this is the journey we can all take by choosing to engage in daily yoga practices.
so are you ready for the journey , are you ready for the enlightenment?? come with me we will try to achieve it.